CAP Pro Course - Point-of-Care Testing - Blood Gas Testing (2025 & 2026)

(based on 33 customer ratings)

Author: Alice Travanty, BS, MT(ASCP)
Reviewer: Alexandru Casapu, MBA, MLS(ASCP)CM, PBTCM

Continuing Education Credits


  • Explain the clinical significance of blood gas testing.
  • Discuss the collection procedures for blood gas specimens.
  • Identify factors that influence blood gas test results.
  • Maintain and monitor the blood gas testing system by demonstrating knowledge of quality control, instrument maintenance, competency requirements, and reagent handling requirements.

Course Outline

  • Explain the clinical significance of blood gas testing
      • Clinical Significance of Arterial Blood Gases (ABGs)
      • Normal Blood Gas Values
      • Blood pH and Acid Base Disorders
      • Which of the following is an indicator of the status of oxygen uptake in your patient?
      • An individual who has overdosed on a narcotic medication is admitted to the emergency department (ED). Point-of-care arterial blood gases (ABGs) are p...
      • An individual who has overdosed on a narcotic medication is admitted to the ED. Point-of-care ABGs are performed, and these abnormal results are obtai...
      • A patient in the intensive care unit (ICU) has a low hemoglobin test result. Which of the following blood gas parameters are affected by a decreased h...
      • Which of the following arterial blood gas (ABG) parameters is an indicator of pulmonary ventilation?
  • Discuss the collection procedures for blood gas specimens
      • Obtaining an Arterial Sample
      • Modified Allen Test
      • Obtaining a Capillary Sample by Heel Puncture
      • Which of the following procedures is recommended when collecting a capillary blood gas to reduce the risk of preanalytical error?
      • Which of these arteries will provide collateral circulation if occlusion of the radial artery occurs as the result of an arterial puncture?
      • When collecting a capillary blood gas on an infant, which of the areas shown on the diagram is acceptable as puncture sites?
      • The respiratory therapist performs an Allen test on his patient. Why would the therapist perform an Allen test?
      • A respiratory therapist is going to perform a modified Allen Test prior to collecting an arterial sample from the patient's radial artery. The test is...
      • Blood gas testing staff arrives in the neonatal intensive care unit to collect a blood gas sample from a premature infant. The phlebotomy cart only co...
  • Identify factors that influence blood gas test results
      • Effects of Preanalytical Errors in Point-of-Care Blood Gas Testing
      • A capillary blood sample is collected from a baby who is breathing room air. The blood is allowed to run down the heel before it is collected into the...
      • A respiratory therapist is having difficulty collecting an arterial sample. The trauma of the procedure has caused the patient to hyperventilate. How ...
      • Which of these preanalytic or analytic errors may cause a decrease in PO2 on an arterial blood gas (ABG) test panel done on a patient breathing room a...
      • You are handed a syringe containing a sample from an outpatient on room air for arterial blood gases. The cap is not on the syringe. How will this aff...
      • You receive an arterial line sample on an infant. The line was not flushed sufficiently before drawing the blood gas sample, resulting in dilution of ...
      • The respiratory therapist has a difficult time getting blood from the radial artery puncture, and some venous blood may have entered the syringe. How ...
  • Maintain and monitor the blood bas testing system by demonstrating knowledge of quality control, instrument maintenance, competency requirements, and reagent handling requirements.
      • Quality Control, Individual Quality Control Plan, and Calibration Verification
      • Proficiency Testing
      • Cleaning and Disinfecting Meters
      • Instrument Maintenance and Reagent Requirements
      • Operator Competency
      • What is the minimum requirement for quality control (QC) testing for blood gases according to the Clinical Laboratory Improvement Amendments (CLIA) re...
      • The remaining cartridges in the current lot for the point-of-care blood gas analyzer have expired. What action should be taken regarding the use of th...
      • You are reviewing last week's quality control (QC) data for QC level two and notice that one pH value was outside the acceptable range. Which of the f...
      • The analyzer being used for POC blood gases requires liquid QC material. The previous shift ran the low level control and it was in range. On your shi...
      • A POC blood gas analyzer has been placed in the intensive care unit at ABC Hospital. The clinical personnel will be responsible for operation of the i...
  • References
      • References

Additional Information

Level of Instruction: Intermediate
Intended Audience: This program is designed as an educational and training tool for MLS, MT, and MLT personnel, phlebotomists, medical laboratory science students and interns, pathology residents, and practicing pathologists.
Author Information: Alice Travanty, BS, MT(ASCP) was the Point-of-Care Coordinator for St. Joseph Hospital, Milwaukee, Wisconsin until her recent retirement from that position. She serves as a technical consultant for Tosa Pediatrics. Alice is the author of article "Connectivity Aids Compliance" in Advance for Administrators of Laboratory Vol 20, Issue 11, page 18. She graduated from Marquette University with a degree in Medical Technology and holds a Point-of-Care Specialist certificate from AACC.
Reviewer Information: Alexandru Casapu, MBA, MLS(ASCP)CM, PBTCM, has over 20 years of experience as a medical laboratory scientist, section supervisor, and laboratory manager. He is the former Director of the Clinical Laboratory Technology Program at Georgia Piedmont Technical College. Alex holds BS degrees in Biology and Medical Technology from Clark Atlanta University and an MBA from the University of Georgia.

This course is part of the CAP Competency Assessment Hub.

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