Mindera Corp
Welcome to the Mindera Health Customer Satisfaction Survey! The purpose of this survey is to provide our ordering healthcare providers with an opportunity to share feedback related to our Mind.PxTM kit, our laboratory services, and the Mind.Px test process. 

Please note, this survey is anonymous. Should you have any patient specific concerns, complaints, or if you require any specific support, we would encourage you to contact the laboratory by calling (858) 810-6070 so that we may help you directly.

We thank you for your time and consideration, and we look forward to reviewing your responses!
Sample Collection and Test Ordering Process
Please rate your satisfaction with the following elements of the Mind.Px kit and Mind.Px test ordering process.
How satisfied are you with the Mind.Px Test Requisition Form? *
How satisfied are you with the Mind.Px sample collection process? *
How satisfied are you with the sample shipment process (return shipment to the Laboratory)? *
Overall, how satisfied are you with Mind.Px? *
Mind.Px Kit
Please rate your satisfaction with the Mind.Px Kit
Was the sample collection device easy to use? *
Were the instructions for use clear and easy to understand? *
Laboratory Services and Support
Please rate your satisfaction with the services and support provided to you by the laboratory. 
How satisfied are you with the process of ordering and receiving a Mind.Px Kit? *
Were you provided with a satisfactory level of instruction and education in the use of the Mind.Px Kit? *
How satisfied are you with the quality of support services provided by Mindera Health? *
Test Results and Interpretation
Please rate your satisfaction with the reporting and interpretation of test results.
Were the test results provided to you in a timely manner? *
Were the test results easy to interpret? *
If you had any questions about the test report, were you able to obtain the clarification and support you needed from Mindera Health? *
Thank You For Taking The Time to Share Your Valuable Feedback!
If you have any additional feedback, concerns, or recommendations, please provide them in this section.
Please Select The Save Button Below to Complete Your Response
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